The Capacity Enhancement Leadership and Linkages (CELL) Development Program for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) was a two-year project initiated by SFEA. The primary objective of the project was to provide skill-based training to SMEs and artisans, particularly those led by youth and women, in remote districts of Pakistan.

The project created learning spaces for SMEs and offered increased exposure and opportunities to both established and struggling SMEs.

Collaborating with national and international partners, the project focused on 14 districts in Pakistan. A group of SMEs underwent intensive training on topics included entrepreneurship, opportunity to participate in provincial advocacy seminars, seedgranst, university tours and collaborations with key stakeholders of the ecosystem and a foreign exchange program.

To facilitate this effort, a total of six Provincial Advocacy Seminars were conducted in major provincial capitals:

The discussions and debates during these seminars centered around creating additional avenues and opportunities for SMEs. CELL provided a common platform for SMEs to promote economic and digital integration of SMEs and provided mentorship with the help of local and US-based partners for sustainable economic growth in Pakistan.