The Aghaz initiative was implemented in four distinct Madrassas representing diverse religious sects, including, Jamia Binoria Al-Alimiyah (Deobandi School of Thought), Jamia Sattaria Al Islamiya (Ahle Hadith School of Thought), Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies (Bralvi school of thought), and Jamia Tul Mustafa (Ahle Tashee school of thought) in Karachi.
The project's undertakings were geared towards promoting tolerance, acceptance, and embracing diversity among both students and educators hailing from various religious backgrounds. The project actively involved community leaders in collaborative efforts aimed at cultivating peace within the scope of the project's reach.
The initiative directly benefited 200 individuals (comprising 160 students and 40 teachers, with an equal distribution of 100 female and 100 male beneficiaries). Moreover, it indirectly engaged 720 individuals through Social Action Projects (SAPs) and Peace Dialogues, of which 50% constituted female participation.